June - August: Open by appointment only.
Please call 941-840-0590 or email us at: cvhs2016@aol.com​
Regular hours, Friday and Saturday, 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. resume in September.
The Cultural Center focuses on preserving “Old Florida” history and stories of founding families in the historic fishing Village of Cortez. Come and visit our museum at 11655 Cortez Road.
Cortez Village
Commercial Fishing Festival 2/15-2/16 2025
Check back for the 2025
Entertaiment Line-up

Join us for coffee, snacks, and chat in March, June, September, and December 2024. Check back here for dates and times in the near future.
For more information, contact the Historical Society at cvhs2016@aol.com, ph. 941-840-0590.

Cortez Village Historical Society Meetings
The next CVHS board meeting will be Jan. 9, 2024 at 4:00 pm. The Cultural Center is 11655 Cortez Rd. All members are encouraged to attend, and the public is invited to visit. Further information contact Cindy Rodgers 941-840-0590

Annual Village Picnic
Coming up in May 2024. Check back here for updates.
Bring a dish to share
Place: Miller Dock- foot of 123rd St.
Come meet others from the Village who share a love of history. The Manatee School Arts Students will feature original artwork for your viewing pleasure and for sale.

Double your donation to CVHS: givingchallenge.org

What is Remake Learning Days?
Remake Learning Days (RLD) is a learning festival that celebrates the many learning opportunities in a community! This celebration highlights innovative experiences and opportunities for youth to develop their sense of creativity, perseverance and curiosity. A variety of organizations — such as schools, museums, libraries, after school organizations, early child care centers, universities, media centers, tech startups and more — open their doors and host events for families to learn together. These events are designed to be hands-on, relevant and engaging educational experiences for youth and their families and caregivers. The majority of events are free and open to kids of all ages. Join us today as we remake learning.